Links (from the links page of the ACRSN)

The following sites contain material of interest and relevance to scholars working in the field of the reception of the classical world.

Institutions / Networks / Projects

ACCLAIM: Autism Connecting with CLAssically-Inspired Mythology Network
Twitter: @AcclaimNetwork.

In May 2019, during the conference Our Mythical History: Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to the Heritage of Ancient Greece and Rome, Prof. Susan Deacy (University of Roehampton) and Prof. Lisa Maurice (Bar-Ilan University) founded ACCLAIM (Autism Connecting with CLAssically Inspired Myth), an International Classics and Autism Network to promote global and cross-disciplinary studies into autism and Classics.

American Comparative Literature Association

The American Comparative Literature Association, founded in 1960, is the principal learned society in the United States for scholars whose work involves several literatures and cultures as well as the premises of cross-cultural literary study itself.

The Ancient World in Silent Cinema

This project aims to produce the first large-scale, radically interdisciplinary and collaborative study of representations of ancient civilisations in silent cinema and to establish new understandings both of cinema’s fascination with the past and of the appeal of ancient civilisations in modern times.

Directors: Maria Wyke (UCL) & Pantelis Michelakis (University of Bristol)

Antikerezeption in der deutschsprachigen Literatur nach 1945 (Freie Universität Berlin)

Die Datenbank zur Antikerezeption in der deutschen Literatur nach 1945 besteht seit dem Jahr 1992. In ihr werden Texte aus den Gattungen Drama, Lyrik und Prosa gesammelt. Neben der Datenbank zur Primärliteratur besteht seit 1999 eine Datenbank zur Forschungsliteratur. Während erstere die modernen Rezipienten und ihre Bezüge zur Antike erschließt, soll letztere die einschlägige germanistische, komparatistische und altphilologische Sekundärliteratur sammeln und dem Benutzer der Datenbank ein zusätzliches Hilfsmittel an die Hand geben; über die Bereitstellung der Materialien hinaus wird damit ein Zugang zu den Interpretationsansätzen der Forschung eröffnet.

ANTIQUIPOP (Université Lumière Lyon 2)
Twitter: @Antiquipop.

Le but d’Antiquipop est de recenser les références à l’antiquité dans la culture pop contemporaine (depuis 2000), de donner accès à ce recensement et de permettre au public visé par la culture pop d’accéder à un décryptage de celle-ci afin de mieux la comprendre et l’appréhender. Le public est donc aussi bien la communauté scientifique que les amateurs, quel que soit leur âge. Le but du recensement est aussi d’établir une base de données qui permettra ensuite de produire des synthèses.

Antiquity in Gotham

A multi-media project that explores the reception of ancient art, architecture and culture in New York City, through a map and podcast series.

Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (University of Oxford)
Twitter: @APGRD.

The Archive was founded in 1996 by Edith Hall and Oliver Taplin in response to the need for a coordinated research effort devoted to the international production and reception of ancient plays since the Renaissance. Its scope revivals and adaptations on stage, film and radio, and in opera and dance.

Ars Longa: An Index of Every Classical Reference Ever! [link sadly defunct]
Twitter: Arslongawebsite

This simple website is an insane attempt to list every Classical reference, allusion, inference and suggestion there has ever been. I want this to be a resource that works both ways – so you can see which Classical references are being made and what bodies of works contain Classical references.

“Augustus in Saigon!?”

Augustus in Saigon!? This seems odd, at least at first sight. The first Roman emperor Augustus (27 BC – AD 14) never entered what is nowadays Vietnam, nor did Roman imperial rule ever reach out to here (though few finds of Western ancient objects have been discovered). And of course, no copy of the famous Augustus of Primaporta statue is visible in modern Ho Chi Minh City, as might be suggested by the logo of the exhibition: it is just a collage to provoke thoughts and stimulate discussion.
Yet, there is some presence of Roman imperial, and classical Western, ideas in what was once Saigon and Vietnam, and it can be found in urban space, architectures, sculptures, money, and stamps, then and now. Certainly, these imperial messages are inevitably linked to the French colonial period, but they are still present today, in so-called post-colonial times, albeit in different guise and appearance. But why, how, and to what extent?
The online exhibition is dedicated to studying these classical Greek and Roman elements in their specific spaces and frameworks, and to reveal the different narratives they produced, from the past until today. It is the result of an undergraduate course conducted in spring semester 2022 by provost distinguished fellows Prof. Dr. Sven Günther (Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China) and Dr. Elisabeth Günther (Classical Archaeology, University of Trier, Germany) at Fulbright University Vietnam.
Discovering and identifying this classical past in the very details of building structures, statues, monuments, reliefs, coins, banknotes, and stamps was the first step of nearly 20 students to delve into the history of the respective space or topic. Then hours of research into the historical contexts and background followed, to analyze the meaning and use of those classical elements in the overall structure. Based on these observations, the students then attempted to understand the (changing) narratives to which those elements contributed. And at last, they composed their understanding into historical narratives in the respective pages, based on more than 300 detailed item descriptions and equipped with numerous illustrations, tables, timelines etc.
“Saigon” with the well-known and well-marketed City Hall, the Opera House, Vietnam History Museum, the National Bank of Vietnam, or the Riverside Hotel, and several statues spread all over the city offers various spatial and social structures that allow to dive deep into the colonial past and the de- and post-colonial frames having been built around, on, or instead of, these structures in subsequent times. Furthermore, a very indispensable part of our life, namely, banknotes, coins, and stamps also embody in themselves the complicated histories of Vietnam. Those buildings, statues, and monetary tokens convey(ed) and promote(d) representations of French colonial ideology, often in classicizing, i.e., Western ancient guise and related to (constructed or imagined) local cultures. So if you wish to know something more about how ancient concepts of liberty, or Greco-Roman gods such as Athena/Minerva, Hermes/Mercury, and Nike/Victoria were, and are, present(ed) and frame(d) in Vietnam’s history please visit our exhibition, and engage in the thoughts and narratives provided by Fulbright students!

Australian Early Medieval Association (AEMA)
Twitter: @AEMAssociation

The Australian Early Medieval Association (AEMA) was formed in 2003 to encourage and support early medieval studies in Australia. Membership of the AEMA is open to anyone with an interest in this field, ranging in time from the late Roman Empire to the Norman Conquest and beyond and encompassing regions from Byzantium and the Middle East to Iceland and Britain.

Australian Reception Network: Interdisciplinary Research into the History and Future of Reading

The Australian Reception Network brings together researchers in a range of disciplines including literary studies, cultural studies, media studies, and Classics. We are all interested in the ways in which readers, viewers and audiences make sense of, and make use of, various kinds of texts, and the historical, technological, social and cultural factors which structure interactions between readers and texts.

Centre for the Classical Tradition (CCT)

Das Centre for the Classical Tradition ist ein interdisziplinäres Forschungszentrum der Universität Bonn, das sich der Erforschung der griechisch-römischen Antike und ihrer Rezeption bis zur Gegenwart insgesamt widmet. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Zentrums stehen demgemäß alle Aspekte der europäischen Sprachen und Literaturen sowie der Geschichte und Kunst, die mittelbar oder unmittelbar auf die griechische und lateinische Antike zurückgehen.

Der Begriff Classical Tradition wird dabei als Basis verstanden, auf der wesentliche Leistungen der europäisch geprägten Kulturen beruhen. Der Schwerpunkt der For­schun­gen soll daher nicht nur auf den klassischen Elementen selbst liegen, sondern vornehmlich auch auf der Rezeption und Weiterentwicklung des antiken Erbes vom Mittelalter über die Frühe Neuzeit bis in die Moderne. Der Einfluss der gesamten griechisch-römischen und frühchristlichen antiken Kultur auf die europäische Gei­stes­ge­schichte ist auch im 21. Jahr­hundert in vielen Bereichen der Wissenschaft sowie des täglichen Lebens offen­kundig und wirksam.

Im Rahmen dieses Zentrums kann den Teilnehmern ein Forum geboten werden, um ge­mei­nschaftliche Projektideen zu entdecken und weiterzuentwickeln und um darüber hinaus nationale wie interantionale in­ter­dis­ziplinäre Netzwerke aufzubauen.

Die Forschungsausrichtungen verschiedener geisteswissenschaftlicher Disziplinen der Uni­versität Bonn haben sich daher zusammengeschlossen, um gemeinsame Projekte zu intensivieren. Hinzu kommen in einem weiteren Kreis Fächer anderer Fakultäten, die für die Tradition der klassischen Antike ebenfalls sehr bedeutsam sind.

Centre for Myth Studies at the University of Essex
Twitter: @MythStudies

Centre for the Public Understanding of Greek and Roman Drama (University of St Andrews)

The main goals of the Centre are to promote to the general public the beauty and relevance of ancient drama, and to foster dialogue and networking between practice and research. The Centre includes members from the University of St Andrews, working on ancient drama and/or its reception, as well as performers and practitioners and a number of partners, national and international. The Centre aims to promote and support a broad range of projects on ancient drama, including research workshops and conferences, performances and school events. It will also make available to the public a database of resources, informed by research carried in St Andrews, for the benefit of students and teachers, and indeed of anyone sharing a curiosity in classical drama.

Centre for the Reception of Greece and Rome (Royal Holloway)

The Centre for the Reception of Greece and Rome was set up in 2007 in recognition of the continuing vitality of all aspects of classical antiquity right up to the present day. The Centre brings together interests among members of staff and postgraduate students in many departments and disciplines across Royal Holloway. The Centre’s focus is on the political, philosophical and literary bridges between the contemporary world and Mediterranean antiquity. The Centre also acts as a platform for the development of new individual, collaborative, and interdisciplinary projects.

Chasing Mythical Beasts… The Reception of Creatures from Graeco-Roman Mythology in Children’s & Young Adults’ Culture as a Transformation Marker (University of Warsaw)

The project Chasing Mythical Beasts… The Reception of Creatures from Graeco-Roman Mythology in Children’s & Young Adults’ Culture as a Transformation Marker explores how mythical creatures change when incorporated into the evolving youth culture. It is supported by the Humboldt Alumni Award for Innovative Networking Initiatives given by the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to its Alumni across the world. The Award is designed for all disciplines, in order to promote pioneering formats for multilateral academic cooperation and to enhance understanding between individual countries or cultures.

The project is being implemented at the Centre for Studies on the Classical Tradition (OBTA), Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw. We develop our research initiated in 2012–2013 within the Loeb Classical Library Foundation Grant for the project Our Mythical Childhood… The Classics and Children’s Literature Between East and West – an innovative endeavour to carry out a reconnaissance of the reception of Classical Antiquity in the literature for youngsters. The major novelty was highlighting regional perspectives treated as extremely valuable contexts for the re-readings of the classical tradition. The project opened so many new and fascinating perspectives that it became simply necessary to pursue our adventure.

Thus, the project Chasing Mythical Beasts… developed in what was an almost natural way. We included into our research not only literature, but culture writ large, and in so doing we chose a novel reception ‘filter’ – the issue of human/non-human relations. The scholars from different parts of the world – from the United States, through Cameroon, Kenya, many European countries, to Australia – study how the reception of creatures and monsters from Graeco-Roman mythology reflects the changes in human sensitivity, morality, and attitude to the concept of the monstrosity itself.

Claiming the Classical: Classics and Politics in the 21st Century

‘Claiming the Classical’ (CTC) is an international network of academics, researchers and other interested parties. Together, we work to examine and debate the politicised appropriation of classical antiquity in the twenty-first century.

Classical Connections Network

The Classical Collections Network is a new Subject Specialist Network for anyone working with classical objects in UK museums, including members of museum staff, PhD students, academics and volunteers. ‘Classical’ collections are defined broadly as collections from the ancient Mediterranean world, including Greek, Etruscan, Roman and Cypriot material. The aims of the network are to:
* Help UK museum curators and staff to access specialist advice on classical objects in their collections, including identification, translation and interpretation based upon current academic research and knowledge;
* Promote public engagement with classical objects in UK museums;
* Provide information on best practice and new research relating to care, management, understanding and presentation of classical collections;
* Provide opportunities for networking, collaboration and exchange of information among people working with classical objects in UK museums (including museum staff members, university academics, students and special interest groups);
* Work towards mapping classical collections across the UK;
* Advocate for the significance of classical collections in UK museums and the importance of specialist expertise in making them accessible to a wide audience.

Classical Heritage and the Story of Sydney

An interdisciplinary program partnering with museums, galleries, theatres, councils, libraries and schools to explore the importance of classical ideas and culture in Sydney from first settlement until today.

Classical Reception Seminar Series (University of Cambridge)

The Classical Reception Seminar Series (also known as the Classical Reception Discussion Group) is the only seminar series in Cambridge dedicated exclusively to the study of classical reception.

Classical Reception Studies Network
Twitter: @CRSN_UK.
Blog: Classical Reception Studies Network blog

Formed in early 2004, this network is a collaboration between six universities with research specialisms in various aspects of Classical Reception Studies (Bristol, Durham, Nottingham, Open, Oxford, Reading).

Classical Receptions in Drama and Poetry in English from c.1970

This project directed by Prof. Lorna Hardwick has been established to document and analyse the theatrical and literary surge of interest in Greek texts and drama in the late twentieth century. It contains a searchable database of texts (reviews, programme notes, scripts) relating to theatre performance.

Classical Tradition and Reception Studies (University of Reading)

The Department of Classics at Reading is recognised world-wide as a pioneer in this area, having established one of the first taught master’s courses in the subject in the U.K. (MA in the Classical Tradition). Our present research pushes the boundaries of reception studies beyond discussions of modern literary, aesthetic and performative uses of ancient texts and objects to investigate the roles ancient material has played in the formation of modern societies, political ideals and institutions, and cultural practices across the globe.

Classical World New Zealand (Massey University)
Twitter: @classicalnz

Classical World New Zealand demonstrates the modern world’s ongoing dialogue with ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt and highlights New Zealand’s contribution to this conversation. The culture of the classical world remains a rich vein of creativity tapped by countless living artists. Their art in turn helps us to connect to the ancient world. Our project, based at Massey University, focuses on the distinctive contributions of New Zealand-based artists, actors, theatre directors, filmmakers, musicians, writers and scholars. Here you will find interviews with artists inspired by the classical world and working in a variety of media. There is also audio-visual material with examples of creative receptions of ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian art, literature and culture. Project Coordinator: Anastasia Bakogianni.

Classicizing Chicago Project

The Classicizing Chicago Project tracks the way thoughts of ancient Greece and Rome inform expressions of Chicago’s distinctive identity as an American global metropolis.

Classicizing Philadelphia Project
Twitter: @classicizephila.

America’s engagement with Greece and Rome constitutes a continuous thread in the conversation that has created our culture and institutions. Classicizing Philadelphia, a digital research and outreach project at Bryn Mawr College, seeks to document, study, and continue this important conversation in its many forms throughout the history of the city of Philadelphia. Overseen by Classical Receptions Studies at Northwestern University.

Classics and Class
Twitter: @classicsandclas

Ancient Greek and Roman culture might sometimes appear to be the preserve of a privileged elite. This is because it used to play a crucial role in social division. But this is not the whole story. The culture we all equally inherit from the ancient Greek and Roman past may seem to be cordoned off by such boundaries as the knowledge of unspoken languages, but these boundaries and others like them have consistently been overcome by an enthusiasm for the classical world that transcends social division. Our archive of class-conscious classical encounters stands as testament to this.

Contested Receptions (Yale University)

A new working/reading group in 2016, seeking to bring together students and scholars from across the university to discuss some notable social, national, and political receptions of Antiquity in which the place of the Classical has been disputed.

Contexts for Classics (University of Michigan)

CFC is an interdepartmental faculty initiative that aims to rethink the discipline(s) of Classical Studies from various critical, historical and pedagogical perspectives. Website contains useful list of web resources.

Cultures of the Classical: A Network for Research on Classical Traditions at Yale

‘Cultures of the Classical’ is a network that draws together scholars at Yale who work on receptions of Greco-Roman Classical Antiquity, and the Classical Tradition (including comparative Classical Traditions and rival antiquities). We are particularly interested in complex plays with the past in which texts and works of art, and indeed whole cultural movements, have appropriated aspects of Classical Antiquity while simultaneously asserting their distance from ancient Greece and Rome.

Durham Centre for Classical Reception (Durham University)

The Centre aims to promote the study of the diverse reception of the classical world, or how Greco-Roman antiquity has continued to remain a significant point of reference and departure throughout the centuries, from late antiquity to the present day – in virtually every cultural sphere, including art and architecture, language and literature, and politics and thought. The Centre brings together experts in aspects of the classical tradition and classical receptions from a wide spectrum of relevant disciplines, such as Archaeology, Classics, English, French, History, and Italian.

ERASME: Équipe de Recherche sur la Réception de l’Antiquité (Université Toulouse II – Le Mirail)

É.R.A.S.M.E. est une équipe de recherche dont les activités et les publications sont consacrées à l’étude de l’Antiquité après l’Antiquité ou, si l’on préfère, à la réception de l’Antiquité. Les thèmes et les perspectives de fond, dans le cadre large d’une histoire culturelle, sont contenus dans le sigle lui-même – Équipe de recherche sur la Réception de l’Antiquité : Sources, Mémoire, Enjeux – et dans la référence au grand humaniste hollandais Érasme (1469-1536), passeur entre les langues et les cultures anciennes, conciliateur critique entre les Anciens et les Modernes.

European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama

The Network was fostered to demonstrate the major importance of Ancient Greek Drama in modern Europe, both as a generating force for scientific and artistic production, and also as a significant cohesive factor in forming a common European cultural identity. It hosts conferences, publishes a newsletter as well as sponsoring performances and workshops.

Greece in Film – Exploring the Greek Islands Through Cinema and Pop Culture

Over the years, Greece has served as the awe-inspiring location for some of the world’s greatest stories. With a rich history of philosophy, art and theatre, it’s easy to see why so many films, TV series and books choose the Greek Islands as the stage for their adventures to unfold.
Let us take you on a journey through some of the most breathtaking locations in Greece through movies, television, and literature. These well-known settings are rich in history, culture, and will make unforgettable memories for those ready to explore their beauty.

Greek Studies in 15th Century Europe (University of Oxford)

“Greek Studies in 15th Century Europe” is a Marie Curie individual research project (2015-17) held by Paola Tomè and based at the Medieval and Modern Languages Faculty, University of Oxford, under the supervision of Martin McLaughlin and Nigel Wilson. The purpose is to investigate the crucial role played by the return of knowledge of Greek in the transformation of European culture, both through the translation of texts, and through the direct study of the language.

Hercules Project (University of Leeds)

The Hercules Project aims to chart and account for the significance in western culture of the classical hero Hercules, from late antiquity via the Renaissance to the present day.

HESPERIDES: Classics in the Luso-Hispanic World
Twitter: @hesperides_01

An international scholarly organization highlighting Greco-Roman engagements throughout the Luso-Hispanic world. Eschewing the fixed boundaries of disciplinary distinctions, periodization, and international borders, we hold within our purview any scholarship that examines the diverse manifestations of Greco-Roman engagements across and between Iberian contact zones: the Mediterranean, the Americas, the Caribbean, the Pacific, and beyond. Additionally, the organization welcomes scholarship highlighting the contributions of those who have been overlooked in previous scholarship, such as indigenous, Afrodescendent, and female voices.

Imagines Project
Twitter: @ImaginesProject

IMAGINES is an international and cross-disciplinary research network working on modern receptions of Antiquity in the visual and performing arts. A key objective of the project is the understanding of different forms of interpretation, appropriation, revisionism or neglect of the classical inheritance across epochs, nations and cultural expressions and movements. Subject areas under investigation include: Theatre, Dance, Cinema, Opera, Sculpture, Architecture, Painting, Comics and Graphic Novels, Design, Photography, Computer Games and multimedia. The project is interdisciplinary in nature and involves scholars from a wide range of fields from leading universities in Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and the UK.

Institute for the Classical Tradition (Boston University)

The ICT is the North American base of the International Society for the Classical Tradition (ISCT) and serves as the editorial offices for the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT).

Institute of Greece, Rome and The Classical Tradition (Bristol University)
Twitter: @Bristol_IGRCT

Bristol’s Institute of Greece, Rome and The Classical Tradition was formed in 2004 through the merger of the Bristol Institute of Hellenic and Roman Studies and the Bristol Arts Faculty’s Centre for the Classical Tradition. The Institute has an active fellows and visiting scholars programme.

Jocasta: Classical Reception Greece (University of Patras)
Twitter: @JocastaCRG

Jocasta is a multilateral research project which aims to promote Classical Reception in Greece as part of an intertwined world. It conceives Reception not as a subdivision of Classics but as a mode of historicised inquiry and constant self-critique intrinsic in Classical Studies. In this respect, it ascribes to the reader the role of the decoder who examines reception of the ancient world from the 8th century BC onwards: from Antiquity to Byzantium, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Early and Late Modernity and the future, while ceaselessly moving from the West to the East and from the North to the South and vice versa. It explores Classical Reception through a variety of media ranging from literature to theatre and film to materialised configurations of everyday experience and through a plurality of approaches ranging from Philosophy to Cultural and Social Studies to Performative arts and Science-driven discourses, thus foregrounding interdisciplinary research.

Josephus Reception Archive

The online platform presents concise information about the reception of Josephus to scholars, students, and indeed anyone with an interest in the subject. It is meant to engage, enlighten and assist a wide public of readers and investigators in many fields. Students of history and of literature, of Judaism and of Christianity, of the reception of the Classical world, of culture and of political thought, of art and of music, and should all find here answers to questions that arise in their researches and in their reading.

The online archive in this initial stage reflects the parameters of the AHRC Project on the Reception of Josephus in Jewish Culture since 1750 (2012-5). Many of its contributors participated in the four Workshops that we held during 2012-4 at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. You can learn more about the Project via the Home Page of the website.

The Legacy of Greek Political Thought

An international research network based at the University of Reading, UK.

Legacies can be problematic. Some are welcome and productive of great good; others are rejected or disputed. People fall out over the will, reinvent themselves as heirs, usurp the inheritance. In the transmission of Greek political thought to subsequent societies, we cannot reconstruct an untroubled line of descent, but to posit only a series of contests may be equally invalid.

The point of departure for this international network is to examine the connections that may be assumed, constructed, or rejected, between ancient Greek political thought and postclassical invocations of it. The timeliness of our questions is indicated by the agitation for constitutional change in several North African and Middle Eastern countries; and even before the ‘Arab Spring’, some Western countries were themselves struggling with the definition of democracy. Debates about the balance between freedom and security have become more acute, and the very concept of the nation state is interrogated by globalisation. The notion of ancient Greece as a society which invented certain liberties, and of a tradition descending from it which guarantees them, has been repeatedly mobilized in the debates about the role of Western countries in a changing geopolitical context. But from other perspectives ‘ancient Greece’ offers a complex spectrum of different politics, and the ‘tradition’ that links it to the modern world is fraught with tensions. Our network seeks to foster interdisciplinary dialogue on these and related issues by bringing together scholars from several different fields of enquiry.

Among the questions that interest individual researchers in the network are:

* Did the ancient Greeks have a concept of human rights comparable to that which determines much modern legislation?
* Were Greek anti-democratic ideas more important than democratic ideas in shaping early modern republicanism?
* How have practising politicians mobilised their classical education?
* How have subsequent societies responded to Greek notions of equality and inequality?
* How have the Marxist and socialist traditions reused Greek political thought?
* How has Western political thinking been conditioned by the adoption of Greek categories?

Living Poets

The aim of this project is to develop a new approach to classical poetry, based on how listeners and readers imagined the Greek and Roman poets. From antiquity to the present, people have produced a vast range of narrative and visual representations of the ancient poets, drawing from three main sources: their understanding of classical poetry, other representations, and their own personal, lived experience. The main contention of this project is that representations of the ancient poets tell us something crucial – not about the actual poets of Greece and Rome, but about their readers. Classical poetry has been transmitted for over two millennia: this project focuses on the people who recognised its value, ensured its survival, and reconfigured its relevance for their particular contexts. These people often had a powerful sense of the poets’ presence: they saw the ancient poets in dreams, had imaginary conversations with them, made fun of them, wrote biographies and anecdotes, produced portraits, and visited the places where they were supposed to have lived and died. An analysis of how readers imagined the Greek and Roman poets offers a powerful means of investigating the shifting social and cultural value of classical poetry from antiquity to the present.

The project is directed by Prof. Barbara Graziosi and funded by the European Research Council.

Modern Classicisms
Twitter: @ModClassicisms

What is it about ancient Greek and Roman art that still captivates and provokes the modern imagination? How can contemporary art help us to see the classical tradition with new eyes? And what can modern-day responses – set against the backdrop of others over the last two millennia – tell us about our own cultural preoccupations?

Modern Classicisms sets out to explore these and other questions by bringing together classicists, art historians, critics and artists. The project commenced in August 2017, and runs until July 2018 in its first phase. Activities include a workshop on 10 November 2017, and an exhibition in spring 2018. This project comes about thanks to the generous support of Christian Levett and the Mougins Museum of Classical Art, with additional support from the Department of Classics and Faculty of Arts and Humanities at King’s College London. King’s is proud to be working with other external collaborative partners, including the Courtauld Institute of Art and Minerva (The International Review of Ancient Art and Archaeology).

Mythimedia: Greek Myth in Today’s Culture

The persistence of aspects pertaining to ancient Greek civilization in contemporary culture, especially in the media, is the focus of a research project, which has been under way for several years now at the Department of Histories and Methods for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus). The idea that Greek and Hellenistic-Roman antiquity left us of its own structural elements – the myth in particular, is that of an ‘open work’ that constantly undergoes new readings, interpretations, and transformations – a sort of work in progress, which has continued throughout the centuries and has recently started using the new media of today’s technological society. It is precisely the heritage of Greek mythical tradition in the modern media and in contemporary society, that our research group has targeted in a series of initiatives supported by the University of Bologna’s Ravenna Campus.

Neo-Latin Podcast (Warwick)

This podcast series explores one of the most important facets of the early modern world, Neo-Latin literature. In each episode, we introduce a Neo-Latin author and their work, with the aim of demonstrating the wealth and diversity of Neo-Latin literature.

Network on Ancient and Modern Imperialisms

The Network on Ancient and Modern Imperialisms is an attempt to discuss the relationship between ancient and modern imperialisms and to assess how this relationship has contributed to the historical understanding of empire.

Network for Early European Research 2004-2010

The ARC Network for Early European Research (NEER) was funded between 2004 and 2010 as a national framework for enhancing and supporting current Australian research into the culture and history of Europe between the fifth and early nineteenth centuries. NEER supported five main research themes: Memory; Social Fabric; Intellectual Formations: Science, Medicine and Philosophy; Early European/ Australasian Connections; and Religion and Spirituality.

Our Mythical Childhood
Twitter: @OMChildhood

We aim at developing a pioneering approach to the reception of Classical Antiquity understood as a living cultural experience that contributes to the formation of the young people’s identities along with their initiation into adulthood. The ancient heritage, in the process of continuous reinterpretation, has contributed significantly to building our common tradition – a unique legacy which at one and the same time is both fixed and in constant evolution. Thus, the essence of our approach consists in comparative studies of differing reception models across the continents, with the application of regional perspectives. The shared heritage of Classical Antiquity, recently enhanced by the global influence of popular culture (movies, Internet activities, computer games inspired by the classical tradition), gives a unique opportunity – through the reception filter – to gain a deeper understanding of the key transformations underway across the world.

Pharos: Doing Justice to the Classics
Twitter: @pharosclassics

Pharos is a platform where classical scholars, and the public more broadly, can learn about and respond to appropriations of Greco-Roman antiquity by hate groups online.


Polymnia is an international research network, based at the Université de Lille (France), whose aim is to study the mythographical tradition in Europe from Antiquity to the seventeenth century.

Activities include:
* the organisation of a rolling programme of conferences in the various partner institutions;
* the publication of bilingual texts with translations and notes;
* an open access journal, Polymnia;
* maintaining an Internet site aimed at fostering contact and exchanges between academics, doctoral students, and other students.

Postclassicisms (Princeton University)
Twitter: @postclassicisms

The network is designed to enable and encourage participants to examine the historical practices through which we as classicists have acquired, defined, and charted our knowledge of antiquity. The recording of antiquity, the formation of the canon and the definition of “the classical” began already in antiquity. The post-classical, then, is not so much a recent discovery of classicists seeking to extend the reach of a traditional field. Instead, it is at the very core of how a traditional field came to be. In this sense, we are as interested in examining the frameworks of studying antiquity that have prevailed as we are in giving new attention to the roads not taken, to the practices and approaches that we might from our disciplinary standpoint want to consider “mis-receptions.” Our interest lies in teasing out the choices that have yielded disciplinary standards and ways of reading and conceptualizing classical literature and questioning the self-evidently correct insights those choices have produced. Our aim is to work collectively to extend the initial inquiries and methods of Reception Studies beyond reception narrowly understood to a broader inquiry into our own disciplinary practices and to situate those practices in more ambitious transnational and interdisciplinary configurations.

Reception Study Society

The Reception Study Society seeks to promote informal and formal exchanges between scholars in several related fields. Bringing together theorists, scholars, and teachers from many areas, this association promotes a much needed cross-dialogue among all areas of reception studies.

Reinventar la Antigüedad: Historia cultural de los estudios clásicos en España (1713-1939)

El objetivo de este blog es difundir los resultados científicos del grupo de investigación UCM “Historiografía de la literatura grecolatina en España”. Para ello, ofrecemos una serie de entradas suficientemente representativas, intentando ofrecer una imagen clara y precisa de nuestra línea de investigación, la “Historia cultural de los estudios clásicos en España (1713-1939) desde varios aspectos: – Conceptos historiográficos – Documentos de estudio – Patrimonio educativo para la enseñanza de las lenguas y las literaturas clásicas – Humanistas, intelectuales e instituciones – Actividades del grupo de investigación UCM – Resultados científicos.

Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae

This site features information on the Neo-Latin scholars of the KU Leuven, their research, and information on our journal Humanistica Lovaniensia and its Supplementa. Moreover, be sure to visit our Links page, which offers links to dozens of webpages on Neo-Latin studies from all over the globe!

Society for Early Modern Classical Reception (SEMCR) & SEMCR on Facebook

The Society for Early Modern Classical Reception (SEMCR) is an affiliate group of the Society for Classical Studies. Through its online presence and annual SCS panel, SEMCR provides opportunities for a wide audience of classicists to engage with the large number of scholars of early modern literature, performance, philosophy, art history, book history, and intellectual history.

Transformationen der Antike

Der Sonderforschungsbereich »Transformationen der Antike« vereint in seiner 3. Förderphase (2013–2016) 14 sozial- und geisteswissenschaftliche Fächer in 19 Projekten mit rund 90 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern, die sechs Fakultäten der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und der Freien Universität Berlin sowie dem Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte und der Antikensammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin entstammen. In der Arbeit des Sonderforschungsbereichs soll eine sektoralisierte Erforschung der Antike und ihrer Rezeption überwunden werden. Sein programmatisches Ziel ist die interdisziplinäre Kontextualisierung der produktiven Aneignungen und Transformationen antiker Wissenschaften und Künste. Untersucht wird die langsame, vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne reichende Herausbildung des Wissenschaftssystems und der kulturellen Selbstkonstruktion der europäischen Gesellschaften.

The Warburg Institute
Twitter: @Warburg_News

The Warburg Institute is the premier institute in the world for the study of cultural history and the role of images in culture. Initially concerned with the survival of classical antiquity in Renaissance art, its range swiftly expanded. It is dedicated to the history of ideas, the dissemination and transformations of images in society, and the relationship between images, art and their texts and subtexts, of all epochs and across the globe. As its motto – Mnemosyne – and its Library make clear, it was the forerunner of current concerns both with memory and material culture. Founded by Aby Warburg in Hamburg at the end of the nineteenth century and exiled from Germany in 1933, the Warburg Library was initially concerned with the survival of classical antiquity in Renaissance art but its range swiftly expanded.

Women Writers and Classics Network
A network of scholars and practitioners of women’s writing and Classics

Mailing Lists

A listserv mailing list for the field of Classical Reception studies. The list will be enable the exchange of information concerning events, publications and conferences etc. connected with classical reception. It will also provide a forum for discussion on subjects within the area of Classical Reception.
To subscribe to the list either send a mail to: with the words “SUBSCRIBE CLASSRECEP” in the body of the email, or follow the directions at the following link:


Anabases: Traditions et Réceptions de l’Antiquité

Ancient Narrative

Ancient Philosophy Today: DIALOGOI

Arion (Twitter: @Arion)

Classical Receptions Journal

Classical Tradition ejournal

Classico Contemporaneo

Dionysus ex Machina

Double Dialogues


FuturoClassico FCI

Global Antiquities (GA)

Heródoto – Journal of the Study and Research Group on Classical Antiquity and its Afro-Asian Connections of the Federal University of São Paulo

History of Classical Scholarship (open access)

International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT)

Journal of Historical Fictions

Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures (JOLCEL)

Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes

New Voices in Classical Reception Studies

Pericles at Play: A Literary Classical Receptions Journal


Practitioners’ Voices in Classical Reception Studies (PVCRS)

Silva: Estudios de humanismo y tradición clásica/Studies in humanism and the classical tradition

Social History of Medicine


Thersites: Journal for Transcultural Presences and Diachronic Identities from Antiquity to Date

Book Series

AKAN-Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption

Ancients and Moderns

Bibliotheca Latinitatis Novae (Leuven University Press)

Bloomsbury Neo-Latin Series: Studies in Early Modern Latin Literature & Early Modern Texts and Anthologies (call for proposals)

Bloomsbury Studies in Classical Reception

Brill’s Companions to Classical Reception

Classical Memories/Modern Identities

Classical Presences

Classical Receptions

Classical Receptions in Twentieth-Century Writing

Classics After Antiquity

IMAGINES – Classical Receptions in the Visual and Performing Arts

Metaforms: Studies in the Reception of Classical Antiquity

Rezeption der Antike

Screening Antiquity

Blogs (etc.)

Animated Antiquity: Cartoon Representations of Greece, Rome and Beyond (Chiara Sulprizio)

Antipodean Odyssey: Explorations in Children’s Culture and Classical Antiquity (Liz Hale)


Barefaced Greek

Centuries Coexist (Seán Easton)

Classical Reception Studies Network blog

Classically Inclined (Liz Gloyn)

Classics Confidential

Consuming Antiquity (Vassiliki Pliatsika)

The Edithorial (Edith Hall)

Latin in the Real World (@ProfChristensen)

Mapping Mythology: A Digital Collection of Classical Mythology in Post-Antique Art (@Jared Simard)

Memorabilia Antonina (Tony Keen)

Minus Plato: Classics and Modern/Contemporary Art (Richard Fletcher)

Modern Classicisms

Neo-Latin Poetry in English Manuscript Verse Miscellanies: The Latin face of early modern literary culture


Penelope’s Weavings and Unpickings (Penelope Goodman)

Pervivencia Clásica

Pop Classics (Juliette Harrisson)

The Reception Desk (Ika Willis)

Reboot the Past (Vince Tomasso)

Sphinx: Exploring Antiquity and Modernity (Neville Morley)

Survival of Antiquity